Crescent City Football Club (CCFC) is a minor league football (soccer) club founded in 2015 by New Orleans’ soccer enthusiasts, players and coaches. Serving as a non-profit organization, CCFC is a community driven club, focused on providing an outlet for local players aspiring to compete at the highest level possible, while developing partnerships with other growing local entities and providing a football club culture for New Orleans and its surrounding areas. CCFC offers a fun, safe, exciting, and competitive environment to engage and entertain our community by showcasing New Orleans’ local talent through the beautiful game.
"The Crescent City"
New Orleans is called the Crescent City because the original town-the Vieux Carré, also called the French Quarter-was built at a sharp bend in the Mississippi River.

“Louisiana is one of the first places in the world where soccer was played. Beginning as a game played by a working class immigrant population in the 1850s, soccer has a long and, until now, unappreciated history in Louisiana. The game migrated to the elite athletic clubs of New Orleans and Shreveport during the 1890s. By 1907, New Orleans boasted a professional soccer league that sent several players to the top professional leagues in Europe.” – Scott Crawford “A History of Soccer in Louisiana: 1858-2013“